Monday, October 6, 2008

Fireproof Day 13

Love for a Lifetime
It can be yours - If the price is right!

What's the price? Make the decision to love, whether I feel like it or not. Too many times we don't want to love unless it 'feels good' and we're on top of the mountain of our relationships. But this is the problem: Love based upon emotion will soon dry up and evaporate into nothingness. When the misunderstanding comes or the expectation is not met, we have to make a choice to love unconditionally.

That's what Jesus did. He didn't wait for us to get good enough before He loved us or to get it all right and His love isn't based upon how good we are but how strong and powerful His love is. A great verse to take into all of our relationships is this:

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2 (ESV)

When we operate this way, our love for each other, and especially those who are closest to us, will produce the fragrance of Christ in all we do.

Until tomorrow,

Pastor Steve

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