Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday 4

I am a Fantastic Four fan. Okay - it's out! It was a comic book I couldn't wait to get my hands on as a youngster ( yes I was one once!) I love the Fantastic 4 movies as well. A pastor friend of mine uses this Friday's Fantastic 4 as a way of sending interesting links and helpful information to those who follow his blog so I borrowed (stole) his idea and thought I'd give it a try. If these are helpful to you, and you'll drop me a line and let me know, I'll post 4 more links each Friday. If they're not, well as the old saying goes, "Nothing ventured - nothing gained".

Need a pick-me-up going into the weekend? Here's some suggestions to get your weekend started off right as well as prepare you for worship this weekend!

There is nothing, absolutely nothing more important for a Christ-Follower than to spend time daily with God. If you want to take your walk with the Father to the next level, invest time one on one with HIM. Here are four links that are great places to get going on that "Well, I've been meaning to" daily time with God.

1. Read the Bible in a year. There are many great sources online for you to use to do this. These are just two of many: Online Bible in A Year or Crosswalk or just Google: Read the Bible In a Year.

2. Drive Time Devotionals by Tom Holladay from Saddleback Community Church. These are approximately 10 minute devotionals you can sync with your ipod or mp3 and take with you.

3. Online devotional My Utmost for His Highest (my favorite!).

4. This online resource has Bible translations, reference books and much more.

Hope you find these resources helpful as you GROW as a disciple of Christ!

Friday, September 12, 2008



Why did Jesus come to die? Why do we do the things we do at TVCC week-in and week-out? What difference does it make that people give sacrificially of time and resources to make it happen each weekend? And, what are the results of this vision based ministry in the lives of people in and around Northwest Tennessee? Why do we keep growing? Do we have some "hidden secret" or "special formula" that we're keeping under lock and key? Join us this weekend as we discover the answer to the question, Why DO we do things we do? This weekend will be a great time to check us out at TVCC - especially if you're seeking to know your purpose in life and God's greatest plan for your future.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well, Carlton and I are waiting for our flight out of Chicago Ohare - only 1 hour behind right now so I guess that's good (but we're not on the plane yet!) While waiting I thought I'd REVEAL, what was revealed at the planning session we attended at Willow Creek Community Church. They've discovered what we already knew...YOU ARE A GREAT CHURCH! But we also met pastors and leaders from 14 other great churches too. The neat thing we've discovered is that regardless of what size, ethnicity, whether rural or suburban or inner city, we all had some things in common. It didn't matter what the core programs were or the classes offered or denomination or lack thereof, there were 4 things that united us all and these were so powerful once we realized that they were the glue that held together and built these top 5% of the 500 churches who've taken the survey so far. Here are those 4 common elements:

  • A clear pathway. In other words, there are clear expectations of growth and a path for movement, i.e. CLASS 101-401 at TVCC
  • Strong emphasis on the Bible as THE TRUTH that is taught consistently in a way that helps people learn to study and apply it's truths to everyday life.
  • Serving Community, not just serving the church. Getting outside the walls and into the lives of others, i.e. Second Saturday, Food Drive, Backpack Drive, etc.
  • Strong Feeling of Ownership by the church family. We're thankful for what God is doing here and we are of 'one accord' and in the 'unity of the Spirit' as we love God, serve Him together, and love one another.
We will be sharing more of the findings with you in the days to come, but suffice it to say, there's lots to learn and we are forever learning and growing as a family who is "Leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ!"

Well, gotta run...they changed our gate from F4 to F7, hopefully in 35 minutes!


Steve & Carlton