Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Church - Dead or Alive?

The following was sent out from the Willow Creek Association earlier today on Twitter.  I cannot overestimate the eternal value of every person who professes the name of Christ.  Being radically sold out as a follower of Christ is the most valuable thing you'll ever do, period.

The local church is a paradox. In some places the church is flourishing and in others it is declining rapidly or dying out altogether. In regions of the world with limited religious freedom, the church is thriving. In China, for example, there are an estimated 100 million believers today, and the pace at which conversions are occurring will soon make China the largest Christian nation on the planet. In other regions where the church was once strong, the future is not as bright. In parts of Europe, less than 5 percent of the populace attends church regularly.

In the United States, with more than 162 million self-professed Christians, the news is sobering. Each year, between three to five thousand churches in the United States hold their last service, close their doors, and put up the "for sale" sign. Statistics indicate that from 1999 to 2009 the combined membership of the major Protestant denominations declined 6 percent, while the national population has increased 12 percent. The proportion of Americans who claim to have "no religion" has increased to 15 percent, up from 8.2 percent in 1990.

We want to be the best we can be for God.  So at TVCC we are beginning 2012 with the series, Just Walk Across The Room.  It will serve to help us better understand the how and why of reaching others with the Word we have and the lives we live.  

Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Prove Your Love

This Sunday we will celebrate the birth of Christ.  We will enjoy family and friends and festivities.  And we will GIVE! And RECEIVE!  And all of this is good, but is most blessed when done in remembrance of God's greatest gift: Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just because we celebrate the season however, doesn't mean we celebrate the Savior.  One day of merriment living does not wipe out a years worth of miserly giving. If you really want to celebrate, if you really want to enjoy this season of the Savior, then learn to excel - always - in this gracious ministry of giving.  The Apostle Paul said it like this,

"Since you excel in so many ways...I want you to excel also in this gracious ministry of giving.  I am not saying you must do it...this is one way to prove your love is real."  2 Cor. 8:7-8 (NLT) 

How? Give real love, abundant time, and heartfelt devotion to your family.  Take time to "be" together and not just exist in the same house.  Give to God because you want to prove your love is real. This is proved as you serve God with your time, your talents, and your treasures.  Or, to put it as Jesus did, with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind...(Luke 10:27). Not because you must do it but because you want to prove it.  You want the work of God to be built up, to increase, and to go out to others.   

Why? Because you love what Jesus loves and Jesus loves people.  Jesus loves your family.  Jesus died for every person and has given us the charge, the privilege of telling them this Good News!  They are the reason He came. We are the reason He came. 

So this Christmas, prove your love is real by not only giving to one another, but giving your best gift to Christ of all that you are and have.   

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Great X Change

This time of year many families and friends have what we've all come to know as Dirty Santa.  People buy not-so-expensive gifts and then go to war as it were, exchanging those gifts to see who gets to keep the greatest gift of little value.

Life is a lot like that.  We go to war, day in and day out, exchanging our lives for the next great prize.  However that unknown gift, that elusive thing we strive so hard to attain, is in the eternal scheme of things, of little value.

That's where The Great X Change comes in.  We get to X Change our lives, even though they are weak and defeated, lost and without hope, for the greatest, grandest gift of all - Jesus Christ and His righteousness.  And oh what a Great X Change it is!

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. 1 John 4:9-10 (NLT) 

Why would God do such a thing?  At first look, it would appear God was getting the worst end of a Dirty Santa swap.  But when you realize that the very reason Christ came was To X-press God's Love, take away the guilt and punishment of sin, plus give us a new and purpose filled life, everything changes.  Join us for Part 4 live at  The Great X Change or to view or listen to the entire series, go to The Great X Change Series.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fan or Follower?

Bill Hull states in The Disciple Making Church, that "The healthy church is a reproducing church." In our new series, Not A Fan, based on Kyle Idleman's book by the same name, you'll quickly discover that this DNA is found in every reproducing follower of Christ.  Read them, study them, and then follow Christ as you put them into practice in your life on a daily basis. In these blog postings we'll study each of these traits as they relate to every reproducing follower of Christ.

5 Commitments of a reproducing church are:

1. A commitment to Scripture (Acts 2:42).
2. A commitment to one another (Acts 2:42, 44, 46).
3. A commitment to prayer (Acts 2:42).
4. A commitment to praise and worship (Acts 2:43, 47).
5. A commitment to outreach (Acts 2:45-47).

Bill Hull. Disciple-Making Church, The (p. 64). Kindle Edition.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Light of the Church and The Love of the Family

The church can't do it alone...

and neither can you.  But together, we make an unstoppable force.  Together we can build something, that apart from each other will only be dreamed of.  Together - the church and the family become the composite of God's intended purpose and plans for reaching this world.  The light of the church and the love of the family unite yellow and red to form orangeOrange is not a strategy or a program.  Orange is the principle which trumps the practice

Practices, whether in the church or home, can become cliché.  Practices can become rigid paradigms of postmortem disaster.  Practices are what dead churches die for.  Practices, if allowed to stand alone, will rob the light of the church and the heart of the home of the richness Christ has intended for both. 

Tennessee Valley Community Church was founded with the principles of family ministry in mind.  Not because family ministry is cool or hip, but as a principle of Scripture we are commanded to place it as priority.  In our list of core values, the last E in Tennessee stands for EMPOWERING KIDS AND FAMILY FOCUSED. Whether the family is made up of one or ten, the principles are the same; they define our practices.  What are these principles?
  • Nothing is more important than someone's relationship with God.
  • No one has more potential to influence a child's relationship with God than a parent.
  • No one has more potential to influence the parent than the church.
  • The church's potential to influence a child dramatically increases when it partners with a parent.
  • The parent's potential to influence a child dramatically increases when that parent partners with the church.
Simply put, we're better together. Be watching for more "News & Views" in the days ahead as we unwrap this most important principle of partnership between the light of the church (yellow) and the love of the family (red) to form this brilliant partnership of Orange!    

Pastor Steve

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I may not be a smart man . . .

"But I know what love is."
I'm sure you recognize that line from one of my favorite all time movies, Forrest Gump.  Forrest's love for Jenny is pure; it is proven by his devotion to her, even when his love isn't returned. 
As we served on mission in New York City there were many struggles we had  overcome, not the least of which was the

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Sanction of Eros

What is the reason so many marriages today (or yesterday) break up? The answer is clear when you understand the false god of Eros. Read on!

The Sanction of Eros

Monday, June 6, 2011

Church History: What you've always wanted to know...

but were afraid to ask!

Most of us really do want to know.  How did the church get started?  Where did all these denominations come from?  Just what is the difference between protestant and Catholic?  Was it always this way?  Who decided the Apostle Peter was the first pope?  Is that scriptural?  Where did the idea of perdition come from?  Who came up with the idea of paying penance?  How did the church as we know it come into being?  What truly lit the fires of reformation?  Who was John Wycliffe and why did the Catholic Church dig up his body and burn it? Who was John Huss and why was he martyred?

These and many, many other questions are answered in a wonderful resource simply called Church History.  Pastor Tom Nelson teaches this material over thirteen weeks in a fresh, story-telling way that is both engaging and informational to Denton Bible Church where he is Senior Pastor.  He has been gracious to share it online and I encourage you to download and listen and learn of the formation of the church from the 1st through the 20th Centuries.  Simply right click on the mp3's and "Save as" to download to your computer and/or phone so you can listen to it while traveling or vacationing.  You'll be glad you did!

Have a great week!

Pastor Steve

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

YouTube - ESV Study Bible - J. I. Packer

The ESV Study Bible is one of my favorite study tools.  It is accurate, compact, and as the well known and highly respected theologian, J.I. Packer said, it is an entire library in one.  Here's why!

YouTube - ESV Study Bible - J. I. Packer

Friday, May 20, 2011

Never Stop Thinking! It's a sign of life!

It's been a roller coaster ride the last few days.  As many of you know, my mom had a light heart attack Monday afternoon.  Her heart cath on Wednesday revealed no major heart damage for which we are very thankful.  

Mom is 81 and boy is she young! She volunteers at Murray Calloway County Hospital three days per week as a runner, transporting files, patients, and anything needed, to different areas of the hospital.  She works out at the fitness center three days per week, and helps with the "senior citizens" through her church and community at Puryear.  What a gal!  Plus she has time to serve through her church and still entertains our now rather large and ever growing family for special birthday and holiday gatherings.  A little over a week ago, she had to, in her words, "stop and rest for about half an hour," as she was trimming her yard with the push mower and "ran out of breath."
Being as active as she is, you can imaging her disappointment when she was told that she couldn't go home until Friday.  The doctor wanted to be sure she didn't have a reaction to her heart medicine so she needed to stay another day for observation.  But mom is always thinking!  After a pensive moment or two she said, "Well, that's okay.  They told me I couldn't drive for two days after the cath and Friday will be two days!"  That's our mom!  Always thinking, always serving, always loving others.
 What's the secret to her longevity?  She loves God, loves others and serves the world . . . and she's always thinking!  It is a great sign of life, don't you think!  When we get in trouble in life is when we forget that God left us here to love Him and serve others.  If we keep our focus on Him and His plan and purpose for our lives, we'll finish strong and we'll finish well.
You go mom!  You're my hero!  Now and forever.
Your middle son,

PS I echo the sentiments of my older brother Mike & his wife Pam, my younger brother Glynn and his wife Myra, as well as the rest of our families.  I just happen to have the pen!  But they love her as does our entire family and community, just as much as Marylin and I do.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

How about some COMFORT FOOD?

The old adage is still true: No pain . . . No gain.  But how?  That's the question, isn't it?  It's not that we want our pain to go to waste, we just don't know how to spend it!  Hopefully, this article will help.

How can you waste PAIN?  Horde it.  Anytime we horde things, they get wasted.  But when we share them, the energy gets multiplied.  For example, if you keep food and let it ruin, neither you nor anyone else receives the benefit from it.  It's chocked full of nutrients, vitamins, energy, and health; but allowed to sit on the shelf, it just rots.  And if it's sitting next to other food, it will cause it to spoil prematurely also. However, if you give that food to someone who needs it, someone wonderful happens.  They now receive strength from it, the food doesn't go to waste, the recipient is made stronger, and there is a new friend to help provide food for others, thereby cutting the load in half.  Whereas one had to bear it all alone, now two are refreshed and enabled to not only carry on, but provide comfort food for others as well.

The same applies with our pain.  Paul said this in his letter to the Corinthians,

 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NLT)  

So this is the deal, as you receive God's comfort you have a choice to make.  I can multiply God's comfort into the lives of others, or I can horde God's comfort.  The only problem with refusing to spend the comfort of God is that over time, unless it's worked out, it becomes a flabby muscle that gets weaker and weaker. Paul went on to say,

Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us. 2 Corinthians 1:6-7 (NLT) 

Did you catch it?  We must get this!  The then is so important and must become the now of our lives.  When you help others, regardless of the reason, whether suffering for the Gospel's sake, or because of something we did or something that was done to us, by comforting others great things happen.  This is the equation:

Add + a friend | divide  the pain | multiply X the benefits | then subtract - the lingering effects. 

Each time you apply the formula to your pain, look what happens to it.  It keeps getting smaller.  Why? Because you're willing to spend it in the lives of others, rather than keeping it to yourself.  Don't horde it -spend it! Then God will receive the praise and glory, you will have helped a friend, and you will receive the blessings and rewards for faithfully serving.  Not a bad exchange!

May God bless you this week as you apply the Truths that Expose the Myths about your PAIN.  Go ahead! Have some COMFORT FOOD today!

Pastor Steve 

Friday, January 14, 2011

2020 Vision Tools: Physical Health

Saturday, January 15 at 10:30 a.m. CST we will join our sister church, Saddleback Valley Community Church and Pastor Rick Warren as we benefit from a resource they are making available to the online community. I've included the link here and on TVCC's Facebook Page. This is a part of our ongoing commitment to you, our church family, to supply tools as a part of our 2020 Vision for a healthier you, both spiritually, physically, and financially.

Also remember, we start our new teaching series this weekend, IGNITE! One Life Can Change the World. Part 1 is My Story Can Change the World. Don't miss it!!! Your story matters. Come find out why and learn how to share it.

In case you missed the earlier 2020 Vision email, I've included it here:

2020 Vision

... is a comprehensive personal growth plan to make the next 10 years the best years of your life.

... will equip you to succeed in 7 key areas: spiritual, physical, financial, relational, vocational, emotional, and mental.

... is based on God's promises to you if you follow his instructions in faith.

Here is my prayer for you for 2011:

* I'm praying you'll be HEALTHIER, more FOCUSED, and more LIKE JESUS in 2011.
"My dear friend, I pray that everything will go well with you and you will be in as good health physically as your soul is spiritually health." 3 John 1:2

* I'm praying your FAITH will be stretched and grow through your Christmas Offering and commitment to give in 2011, so you can watch God perform a miracle in your life.
"What is impossible from a human perspective is possible with God." Luke 18:27
"According to your faith will it be done to you." Matt.9:29

* I'm praying your three friends (your prayer commitment cards) will be in heaven one day because you invited them to a service and told them about Jesus.
"I'm praying not only for these followers but also for those who will believe because of their testimony." John 17:20

Pastor Steve