Friday, June 19, 2009


Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do? Ever wish you could figure out the 'good' the 'bad' and the 'ugly' of life? Have you ever doubted yourself, your salvation, or your circumstances? Have you ever doubted God? Sure you have - we all have.

I believe God is going to show up in an awesome way through the teaching this weekend as we ask and answer the GREATEST QUESTION EVER! I know that sounds BIG and it is. But I will promise you, God has not only a word for you, but your family and friends as well. I'm very sensitive to this Sunday being Father's Day and all those 'dads' who may be in the house because you've asked them to be there. They WILL HEAR A MESSAGE OF HOPE AND ENCOURAGEMENT this weekend!

I want you to know I'm not only praying for those dads that will be in our service, but those sons and daughters and in laws as well. I know your hearts are heavy over them and I'm praying with you that they will not only attend, but that they will receive God's Word and the Christ of God as well.

Looking forward to the weekend!

Oh, I forgot to tell you the question...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Great Weekend at TVCC!

June 14, 2009

What an AMAZING weekend at TVCC. If you missed it, you certainly missed a blessing. If you'd like to view it or download the mp3, click here. The Word of God is so powerful and God speaks to us through His Word, right where we are. We didn't know what your personal needs were when we planned this service weeks ago, but God did. Listen to one of many testimonies from Sunday:

"Thank you for this-I needed to hear this today. I have been facing this fear for weeks. I want to let go of this fear and selfish person I am."

So many said, "How did you know what was going on in my life?" Folks, God is so trustworthy and He knows full well what we need and speaks through His Word to answer our questions and help us face our fears. Remember, if you're facing a Red Sea crossing, it's an opportunity for a miracle.

God rocked the house with super worship, and the Holy Spirit indeed showed up in power. Here's this weekends report:

  • 7 persons committed their lives to Christ for salvation
  • 11+ first time guest
  • 4 second time families
  • 1 signed up for Celebrate Recovery
  • 15 recommitted their walk with Christ
  • 2 signed up for Life Group

There is definite energy in the expectation of all God is doing and going to do in this great church He has planted and is building. We're getting closer with each passing day to occupying our new campus at 2500 East Wood Street. Don't forget to check the progress each week on the TVCC web site. Also, don't forget to check out the newest addition to our site by using the GROW tools which we hope will assist you in your daily walk with God.

Pastor Steve

PS Pray for our youth and their leaders at camp this week!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Facing Your Fears Through Faith

Anything worthwhile involves some level of risk. That's where a life of faith comes in, especially as we seek to stand firm as followers of Jesus Christ. Being a Christian may appear to be risky at times, but we must not let fear flatten our faith!

Unfortunately, there are times when the fear factor will cause us to melt at the first sign of adversity rather than believing that God is for us so, "...who can be against us?" Romans 8:31. How many times have we had the opportunity to stand up for Who and what we believe in? Yet when someone louder, bigger, more important, or someone that's perceived as smarter than we are speaks up, we shut up instead of speaking up. And what is it about our hurts, habits, or hang-ups that keep us hiding them in the dark rather than bringing them into the light where we can have victory over them?

This weekend we're going to examine a portion of The Exodus (14:1-31) and discover how God's people fell prey to the same weaknesses, frustrations, and shortsightedness as we do. They thought God had led them into an impossible situation; they were right on both counts! God had indeed led them and at least from their point of view, it was an impossible situation. (See Exodus 13:18 & 14:13-14) You might say it was something that only God could do; and you'd be right!

So how do we learn to trust in God and overcome fear? As our series summary statement teaches us... Trusting God in what we can't see by what we can see!

See you this weekend!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Overboard: Stepping Out Into a Life of Faith

Here's our working definition of faith for this month:
Trusting in what you can't see because of what you can see.

What does it mean to have faith? Is it just a church word that really doesn't make a difference in who you are or how you live? Can a person live by faith yet deny the foundations of it? In this series we will go Overboard with facts about faith and the difference having or not having it makes in your everyday life.

Week 1 When Faith Changes Your Life
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 Who wouldn't say, "I'd like to have more faith in my life!" this first week will look at: What is faith? What are the benefits? What will it do for me? What difference can it make in my life?

Week 2 Facing Your Fears Through Faith

"The Israelites looked up and there were the Egyptians and they were terrified and they cried out to the Lord." Exodus 14:10 What is it that has you terrified, or as we would say it today, scared to death? There's always the lurking 'what ifs' in life when we just don't know what to do next. Maybe, just maybe, God's setting you up for a miracle!

Week 3 Believing Through the Life of Christ
Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you". Matthew 9:29 What are you expecting from God? Do you really believe He can and will deliver or is just a pipe dream and something He would do for others but not for you? We will discover that God's best is realized through a life lived through faith in Christ.

Week 4 When Faith's Foundations Crumble
"But those who listen and don't obey are like a man who builds a house without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it crumbles into a heap of ruins." Luke 6:49 We will take an in depth look at God and Country during this Independence Day message. Are we still "one nation under God"? What would that look like in our culture today? Don't miss this powerful conclusion to this series as we encourage the people of God to return to the values God prescribed for us long ago.