Friday, August 28, 2009

Some things are just too funny not to share!

A few days ago, Rick (Warren - Saddleback Church) sent out a twitter that had the following great advice, with one small exception:

4kinds of people u need: MODELS 2follow Ph3:17, MENTORS 4counsel Pr11:14,PARTNERS 2help Ecc4:9-12, FRIENDS 4support Pr7:17

You know how that there are those times when you know you need to listen to that little voice in you? Well, I was preparing to RT Rick's tweet (re-tweet in twitter language) but I heard that voice: Check his references! So I did. And when I came to the last one, there it was.

What was supposed to be FRIENDS 4support Pr 17:17 - A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need, had accidentally been referenced as Pr 7:17 which reads: I've perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

Well, when I sent Rick a message with the obvious fun I'd enjoyed over the mistake of the missing '1' and that it was certainly a different FRIENDS than I'd imagined, here was his reply he sent to me and our TVCC family:

Steve, that is HILARIOUS! Great catch! I wonder who else will catch it!Tell your church that I told you I'm praying for you & them!

It doesn't matter who we are, we must be able to laugh at ourselves and as Rick says, "Don't take ourselves too seriously!" Thanks for your prayers & friendship Rick.

Looking forward to teaching you Part 5 of Fanatic: I will DO WHATEVER IT TAKES! Be there and bring someone with you! Don't forget, it's baptism weekend at TVCC.

You can follow Rick too. Send a txt message follow rickwarren from your phone to 40404. Then just follow the instructions.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Dear TVCC Family,

Our government recently did what they considered a highly successful program called Cash for Clunkers. It was designed to boost the lagging sales of new cars by offering exorbitant prices for what was actually known to be a clunker by its present owner. It was so successful that they actually suspended the program this week.

I want to present a new program to you this weekend: Compassion for the Contrite as we look at Fanatic - Part 4 I am WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE! What is the price? According to David in Psalms 51:17, what God wants us to trade-in is "a broken and contrite heart". It doesn't matter what shape it's in, just get it on the lot and God will accept it! And look at what you'll drive away with: "He will blot out our iniquities (sins), give us a clean heart...a right spirit...God's presence, the Holy Spirit, and the joy of your salvation." (Ps 51:9-12) Then look at the continued service plan: Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you. Psalms 51:13 (NLT)

Who in your life is worth your broken heart of compassion? Who will you pray for, agonize for, and lift up to God? And will you care enough, as you pray and seek God's face, to bring them with you this weekend? Will we PAY THE PRICE? That's where it begins; in you and me. When it does THEN we will be one rebel showing another rebel the way back to God.

TVCC, please be here this weekend in force; prayed up and expecting God to move in and through the lives of those you care about. Whether they come with you or not, you expect God to begin the work in you. As you bring to God your contrite heart, we have His never ending promise, His warranty for eternity: "(He) will be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness." Ps 51:19 (Emphasis mine)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Touching the Leper

Sunday, I spoke of Francis of Assisi and how he was radically changed because of his faith in Christ. Immediately he heard God say, "Loath what you loved and love what you loathed." He rode off on his horse and soon encountered a leper - that which he most loathed and feared. And rightly so for the disease was incurable, highly contagious, and a miserable way to die. Francis stopped, dismounted, and asked the leper to forgive him for his former attitude. And then he did the unthinkable; he kissed him!

Not only did he kiss him, he gave him money, sought to help him in any way he could, and then asked for directions to the leper colony where he repeated the action - over and over again - as he followed God's command for his newfound faith.

As I concluded the services yesterday, I challenged each person to be sensitive to those God puts in your path, the perceived 'lepers' of our day, who you might serve and be a witness to. To my delight, this is the story I received from a young couple later that day.

"We went to Walmart after the service and there she was, standing there with a sign: 'Will work for food.' She looked to be sixty or so and really in need. So we bought her a twenty dollar gift card from Walmart and then we went to McDonalds, bought her lunch, and took it back to her."

Then the young lady did something she'd never done before; she invited her to attend church, giving her the TVCC pen she'd used to take notes with and asked her to come worship with them. It was her first time to ever invite anyone to church! But because they saw her need, responded to it in love, and spent their own lunch money on this 'leper' who was begging on the street, God was able to reveal a picture of His own heart through them as they 'loved' one that is normally 'loathed'.

I praise you Father! Even though our society has taught us to see this beggar as irresponsible, lazy, and a modern day leper, you taught them to see her as a person of worth. May she come to know you, the giver and sustainer of life, and may this couple continue to be blessed because they did not pass by this one whom you love so much; instead, they kissed her. Amen.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We believe in radical salvation by Christ alone

We believe Christ's salvation brings about changed lives

If you've just read those statements for the first time, you weren't at TVCC last weekend...but it's not too late! Be here this Sunday as I will be teaching the third value relating to Christ's vision in His church and in His people. You don't want to miss it because in it, we will settle an age old argument: Does a radically saved person, changed by the power of the resurrected Christ, NEED to be radically connected to a church family? Or is it every bit as good for me, my kids, and those I love to 'go it alone'. What does Jesus have to say about the subject and what does that look like for each one of us? Does it really matter, one way or the other?

Yes, this is fanatical stuff but we are in a day and time when only those with a fanatical love relationship with Jesus Christ, based upon His Word, will be able to stand. Don't miss this opportunity to hear the truth and bring someone with you that you care about and who you want to help know Christ and grow in Christ.

If you missed parts 1 or 2, you can go here to view them or download the mp3.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Sunday I told you about a list that I'm praying over and expecting God to answer during this series and the coming months. Some wrote them down and committed to pray with me about them. So I decided - the more pray-ers the better! Sincerely seek God in this and let's see how He will show up as we come to Him, pray to Him, seek Him, and expect Him to do these things. I know they are His will, so our job is to ask and be willing instruments in His hands, to do with us anything He wants in order to bring them about.

Here are some outcomes I’m praying and expecting God for during this series:

· I’m expecting people to get saved. This first Sunday of the series, 7 people requested information on becoming a Christian!

· I’m expecting people to be convicted. (Or as I said Sunday - to get tore up. In TN we understand what that means!) about their profession of Jesus Christ as Lord, yet their possession of too much world.

· I’m expecting some of you to make radical life changes. You’re going to forsake a terrible habit or attitude that’s destroying your witness as well as your life as you fully submit and surrender yourself to the Lordship of Christ.

· I’m expecting homes to be healed. No divorce is final as long as everybody is still alive and hasn’t remarried. (See the excellent teaching by Carlton and Ken in the FORGIVENESS series)

· I’m expecting some of you to become bold witnesses for Jesus Christ. You’ve always been sheepish or embarrassed to talk about Jesus as your most prized possession in life. But as you fully embrace; as you fall head over heels in love with Jesus Christ, you will be faithful as a bold believer and disciple of the One who loved us and gave Himself for us.

· I’m expecting some to question whether or not this is the church for them. (The prayer here is that God would set all hearts ablaze with the passion and vision He has placed in TVCC) As we revisit the vision, the mission, and the mandate that this church has under the direction and guidance of Jesus Christ as Chief Shepherd, and then challenge you to get in harness with Him, it may just be more than some are willing to give. I hope that’s not the case, but it could be.