Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 4th - Why Share Jesus?

Primarily because Jesus said It is not my will that any should perish. That's it in a nutshell. Jesus desires a relationship with each person you and I come into contact with every day. Listen to Bill Fay's second segment on Sharing Jesus Without Fear for a 6-10 minute word of encouragement. Just click on the link below and enjoy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Julia and I am really enjoying this "Steve's Blog" I have shared my faith before merely by stating my believes and not asking the questions. Mostly because I didn't want to sound nosey by asking personal questions to people. Sort of having the attitude that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Wanting to show people I accepted who they were and not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable by putting them on the spot. By hearing what has been said, listening on your blog, reading the information with the little bible I am absolutely rethinking my stand about sharing my faith to sharing Jesus. I am starting to realize it is not about me, but about Jesus and the person I am talking to.