Thursday, March 6, 2008

Do You Have A CPAP?

Do you have a CPAP?
This is me in mine. Purdy sexy, huh?

Many people today have a condition known as Sleep Apnea. When you have it, you sleep with a mask connected to a breathing machine known as a CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. It insures you keep breathing which is a good thing if you want to wake up each morning!

Each of us needs a CPAP as well: CONTINUOS PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER. A CPAP keeps the pressure on and keeps your Christian life breathing correctly. My good friend and mentor, Frank Cate led many people to Christ before going home to be the Lord on September 12, 2006. He was my CPAP, not only was he a good friend, but my personal accountability partner as well. We always shared what God was doing in our personal lives, how He was using us to share the Gospel with others, and that we were keeping the main thing the main thing. It was nothing short of pure Accountability 101. One of the hardest conversations we would have would be on an occasion when I had spoken with someone ABOUT Christ but didn't, as Frank put it, "ask for the order". I would dread that question, "Steve did you ask for the order?" meaning of course, did I invite them to read the scriptures and receive Christ as Lord. Those were hard, but profitable conversations.

I encourage you, find a CPAP. Someone you visit with on an ongoing basis about the things God is doing in your life as well as asking you who you're sharing the Gospel with. And, your CPAP doesn't have to be someone next door or even in West Tennessee. Frank and I were 2,500 miles apart but we were kindred spirits and I want to believe that God used our relationship to strengthen both of us. If you will do this, find someone to act as CPAP in your life, it will change the way you see each relationship, family member, or stranger that God brings into your life.

Your CPAP in Christ,

Pastor Steve

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