Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Rejected Savior

Easter Wednesday 
(Luke 19:41-44)

There He was, weeping.   Jesus Christ, the Son of God, weeping.  Why?  Because Jerusalem, the symbol of that which represented the people of God, had rejected Christ as their Messiah.  They wanted Him for what they could get from Him - an earthly king who would free them from Rome's tyranny.  Yet they rejected Him for who He was sent to be: their Messiah...their Savior...their Redeemer.

How many today reject Christ as Lord, wanting Him instead to be their savior, not Savior.  What's the difference?  If Jesus is only savior of our lives, then His lament over Jerusalem would apply to us as well.  If He's only savior, then we want the kingdom but not the King.  We want our problems fixed while refusing to bow to His Lordship.  It is shouting Hosanna one moment and crucify the next.

If Jesus is Savior, however, then everything changes!  And oh how wonderful those changes are when Christ becomes our personal, life-giving Savior, our Guarantor of eternal life as we submit to His Lordship over all. (See John 10:28)

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