Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We believe in radical salvation by Christ alone

We believe Christ's salvation brings about changed lives

If you've just read those statements for the first time, you weren't at TVCC last weekend...but it's not too late! Be here this Sunday as I will be teaching the third value relating to Christ's vision in His church and in His people. You don't want to miss it because in it, we will settle an age old argument: Does a radically saved person, changed by the power of the resurrected Christ, NEED to be radically connected to a church family? Or is it every bit as good for me, my kids, and those I love to 'go it alone'. What does Jesus have to say about the subject and what does that look like for each one of us? Does it really matter, one way or the other?

Yes, this is fanatical stuff but we are in a day and time when only those with a fanatical love relationship with Jesus Christ, based upon His Word, will be able to stand. Don't miss this opportunity to hear the truth and bring someone with you that you care about and who you want to help know Christ and grow in Christ.

If you missed parts 1 or 2, you can go here to view them or download the mp3.

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