Thursday, October 9, 2014


In the next six weeks we will grow as one as we begin to live out the life-changing reality of a church unified in God's purpose and plan for His people.  Here is the series synopsis of where we're going TOGETHER as we discover the power behind the statement...
October 12 - We'll discover the real power of the gospel as "I LOVE MY CHURCH" is seen in its true context.  When the church is working right, there is noting quite like it.  So we don't just tolerate the church-we celebrate it!

October 19 - Whether we realize it or not, what "WE BELIEVE" dictates how we behave. This week I will lay out seven core beliefs of our church and how it affects everything that we do.

October 26 - The church has more reason to celebrate than anyone else. "WHY I LOVE MY CHURCH MORE" will open our eyes as we realize that we must never stay silent when people are finding hope and healing through the Lord Jesus!

November 2 - What was your "BEST WEEKEND EVER?"  When you are in Christ, your purpose becomes clear and your life has eternal meaning.  That's why the day you become "in Christ" will be the most important day of your life.

November 9 - What has been stolen from your life? Your joy?  Peace?  Confidence?  The enemy is out to steal, kill, and destroy, but God has promised that He will repay what has been taken from us.  "WHEN GOD BUILDS A CHURCH" everything changes!

November 16 - Jesus gives us a simple invitation: "FOLLOW ME."  It's not always easy, and you may not always love the process, but you will love the results.  It's time to take your first step.
There you go!  Here's four promises that WILL happen in YOUR life when the evidence clearly says, "I LOVE MY CHURCH!" 
#1 - "The church" (impersonal), will become MY CHURCH (very personal).
#2 - Everything will forever change in your life when "the church" becomes MY CHURCH.
#3 - Your un-churched friends will not be bored!  They too will discover the power of "the church" becoming MY CHURCH.
#4 - Jesus will change lives through this series!  After all...He did say,

"I will build MY CHURCH!"
I can' wait!!!
If you can't make it to the Tennessee Valley in person, then you can join us online.  But remember, the only way you should do that is if you're sick, traveling, or you're a distance partner who enjoys TVCC, but live far away. 

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