Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Could It Be...

That the reason the 21st Century church isn't experiencing the power of the First Church of Jerusalem is because we refuse to have the same level of commitment? Randy Frazee in his Book The Connecting Church, points out that the problem with the lack of power in the church today could be our lack of connectedness. Randy says this:

"There's a powerful passage in Acts 2:43 that says, They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

"If you read the next several verses, you'll see the outcome of their community devotion: Miracles took place, people's lives were being changed, the believers cared deeply and sacrificially for each other, new people were coming to know Christ - and as a result their group grew rapidly. The Bible says they even enjoyed a spectacular reputation in the surrounding community. But there is one aspect of their fellowship most modern-day believers overlook - how often they got together: "Every day they continued to meet together.""

Our 'community' at TVCC is Life Groups. How are you connected and how are you caring for 'one another' within your group? I think Randy just might be on to something here!

1 comment:

Ken said...

Powerful, Steve this is a great post. The day to day is something that we must own. If we are just meeting on a weekly basis then we are the ones missing out. We must be checking in with one another through out the week.