Thursday, January 29, 2009

Is There Hope For America?

January 29, 2009

This weekend I'll start a new series I'm calling Recession or Revival - Is there hope for America? We've started a new year and we're being led by a new administration. Paul gave us instructions about what we're to do for our leaders:

Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.1 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)
These certainly are unusual times - the worst of times according to the experts, that this nation has seen in sixty-nine years. Those who are leading us certainly have their hands full. From bailouts to bombings to Baghdad and back home again; where's it all going to end and how? No doubt we're in a recession but every recession is an opportunity for revival!

Join us this weekend as we start this new series and find out if there's any hope in this time of need. Bring a friend with you. This is a great opportunity to invite someone because everyone, and I mean everyone is interested in the subtitle of this series, Is there hope for America?

Stay safe, stay warm, and we hope to see you and someone you're willing to invest in and bring with you this weekend.

Pastor Steve

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