Sunday I told you about a list that I'm praying over and expecting God to answer during this series and the coming months. Some wrote them down and committed to pray with me about them. So I decided - the more pray-ers the better! Sincerely seek God in this and let's see how He will show up as we come to Him, pray to Him, seek Him, and expect Him to do these things. I know they are His will, so our job is to ask and be willing instruments in His hands, to do with us anything He wants in order to bring them about.
Here are some outcomes I’m praying and expecting God for during this series:
· I’m expecting people to get saved. This first Sunday of the series, 7 people requested information on becoming a Christian!
· I’m expecting people to be convicted. (Or as I said Sunday - to get tore up. In TN we understand what that means!) about their profession of Jesus Christ as Lord, yet their possession of too much world.
· I’m expecting some of you to make radical life changes. You’re going to forsake a terrible habit or attitude that’s destroying your witness as well as your life as you fully submit and surrender yourself to the Lordship of Christ.
· I’m expecting homes to be healed. No divorce is final as long as everybody is still alive and hasn’t remarried. (See the excellent teaching by Carlton and Ken in the FORGIVENESS series)
· I’m expecting some of you to become bold witnesses for Jesus Christ. You’ve always been sheepish or embarrassed to talk about Jesus as your most prized possession in life. But as you fully embrace; as you fall head over heels in love with Jesus Christ, you will be faithful as a bold believer and disciple of the One who loved us and gave Himself for us.
· I’m expecting some to question whether or not this is the church for them. (The prayer here is that God would set all hearts ablaze with the passion and vision He has placed in TVCC) As we revisit the vision, the mission, and the mandate that this church has under the direction and guidance of Jesus Christ as Chief Shepherd, and then challenge you to get in harness with Him, it may just be more than some are willing to give. I hope that’s not the case, but it could be.
Letting Christ shine though me is something I learned several years ago. When you meet someone who is in need of prayer don't just tell them you'll pray for thm take the few minutes right then and pray. You will be surprised at the results. Some have actually been saved at that very moment. We are to share Christ with everyone, not just those we know.
Bro. Steve. I agree with you to pray for these thing. In the book of James it says we have not because we ask not and Jesus said that we could ask anything according to His will and we would have what we asked. I know these are things that Jesus wants us to have and be. If we as a body would cry out for more of Him, what a difference He would make in our lives, families and community as well as our world. He is able and willing, just waiting for someone who really wants Him. Johnny Emmons
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