Sunday, I spoke of Francis of Assisi and how he was radically changed because of his faith in Christ. Immediately he heard God say, "Loath what you loved and love what you loathed." He rode off on his horse and soon encountered a leper - that which he most loathed and feared. And rightly so for the disease was incurable, highly contagious, and a miserable way to die. Francis stopped, dismounted, and asked the leper to forgive him for his former attitude. And then he did the unthinkable; he kissed him!
Not only did he kiss him, he gave him money, sought to help him in any way he could, and then asked for directions to the leper colony where he repeated the action - over and over again - as he followed God's command for his newfound faith.
As I concluded the services yesterday, I challenged each person to be sensitive to those God puts in your path, the perceived 'lepers' of our day, who you might serve and be a witness to. To my delight, this is the story I received from a young couple later that day.
"We went to Walmart after the service and there she was, standing there with a sign: 'Will work for food.' She looked to be sixty or so and really in need. So we bought her a twenty dollar gift card from Walmart and then we went to McDonalds, bought her lunch, and took it back to her."
Then the young lady did something she'd never done before; she invited her to attend church, giving her the TVCC pen she'd used to take notes with and asked her to come worship with them. It was her first time to ever invite anyone to church! But because they saw her need, responded to it in love, and spent their own lunch money on this 'leper' who was begging on the street, God was able to reveal a picture of His own heart through them as they 'loved' one that is normally 'loathed'.
I praise you Father! Even though our society has taught us to see this beggar as irresponsible, lazy, and a modern day leper, you taught them to see her as a person of worth. May she come to know you, the giver and sustainer of life, and may this couple continue to be blessed because they did not pass by this one whom you love so much; instead, they kissed her. Amen.
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