Saturday, October 25, 2008

FP 34 The Heart of the Home

For Women Only II

Why do I say women are the heart of the home? Why is this character trait to be guarded and protected without apology? Because it's God's created plan. To put it simply; He made her that way, and any time we get outside God's created natural order of things, we're headed for danger. Let me explain.

Dad's the "come on - get up - that didn't hurt" guy. Mom is the "it'll be okay - does your 'ouie' need a bandage - let me kiss it and make it better" gal. Both are necessary to complete the heart of the child; one to help them get up and the other to help them get through.

One of the great pictures of love comes from that of Christ Himself when He said, speaking of Jerusalem,

"How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me. Matthew 23:37 (NLT)

And that love never goes away. It doesn't matter what we do, where we go, or the situation we may find ourselves in, the heart of the home that is centered on Jesus is forever the heart of God seeking, wooing, calling us up to our best, our highest for Him.

Until Tomorrow,

Pastor Steve

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