The Deceptive Dragon
Overcoming Temptation
A couple of days ago, I told you of the Reluctant Dragon of Isaiah 30:7 which refers to a mythical sea monster that represents chaos in ancient literature. We saw that following the Reluctant Dragon will take us into chaos and captivity (see FP 18).
But what about the Deceptive Dragon of Revelation 12:9? I can tell you from experience that he is anything but powerless. If the Reluctant Dragon takes you into chaos and captivity, then the Deceptive Dragon is equally powerful to take you into the lies and promises of a fallen world. How?
Three ways and we'll talk about them this weekend. They're known as the big three: The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, and from them all sin and disobedience resonate. It began in the Garden of Eden when Eve was tempted to disobey God. "The woman saw that the tree was good for food [the lust of the flesh], and that it was a delight to the eyes [the lust of the eye], that the tree was to be desired to make one wise [the pride of life] (Gen 3:6)
These three parallel the temptation of Christ as well. " 'Command this stone to become bread' [the lust of the flesh] ---'Throw yourself down' [the pride of life] ---The devil took him up, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, ---It shall all be yours' [the lust of the eye and the pride of life]" (Lk 4:3,9,5,7). However, through Christ who has gone before us, we can be overcomers in this battle. How?
God gives us the antidote to the craftiness of Satan's trickery; there are two counsels God gives us. Speaking of temptation we are told: FLEE temptation. Speaking of the tempter God's word is: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (Ja 4:7)
Sounds great but how? Be sure and join us this weekend as we discover how to live in the victory God intends for every marriage, every relationship, and every believer's life.
Until Tomorrow,
Pastor Steve
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