Monday, October 24, 2011

Fan or Follower?

Bill Hull states in The Disciple Making Church, that "The healthy church is a reproducing church." In our new series, Not A Fan, based on Kyle Idleman's book by the same name, you'll quickly discover that this DNA is found in every reproducing follower of Christ.  Read them, study them, and then follow Christ as you put them into practice in your life on a daily basis. In these blog postings we'll study each of these traits as they relate to every reproducing follower of Christ.

5 Commitments of a reproducing church are:

1. A commitment to Scripture (Acts 2:42).
2. A commitment to one another (Acts 2:42, 44, 46).
3. A commitment to prayer (Acts 2:42).
4. A commitment to praise and worship (Acts 2:43, 47).
5. A commitment to outreach (Acts 2:45-47).

Bill Hull. Disciple-Making Church, The (p. 64). Kindle Edition.

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