In the infamous words of the Veggie Tales hero's, Bob & Larry: "I laughed, I cried; it moved me Bob!" What a wonderful weekend we had with Scott Davis and his lovely wife Donna. Scott is real. Scott is funny. Scott and Donna are being used of God in a special way to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. We all need to laugh. Let's face it, life is hard at times and it's much easier to remember that there is "a time to cry" than it is to embrace the fact that there is a "time to laugh". But realize this: Every time we laugh, even in the midst of suffering, our laughter says that we can trust God, regardless of outward circumstances.
When you add to that the fact that during all three events this weekend, many people professed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives, then laughter really is serious business. It says we believe, we trust, and we're willing to exchange our brokenness for God's blessings. It says we believe God will do everything His Word says He will do.
So yes, laughter is serious business. And we pray that this business that God is using to bless others and to glorify His name will flourish. May God continue to bless you both, Scott and Donna, as you make the business of laughter a blessing to all.
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