This weekend we begin a new series dealing with what all of us deal with each and every day: WAR! Not the military kind but one of a spiritual nature. Every day, we have to make choices for good or evil. The Bible calls this the conflict or war of the two natures within us.
Every Christian receives a 'new nature' the moment they come to Christ. But it's like to trying to learn to drive for the first time; grinding gears, swerving on the road, jumpy starts and jerky stops. Just because we have the car doesn't mean we know how to drive it yet. And just because we have this new nature, doesn't mean we've learned to put that other nature, the 'old nature' away yet either.
During this series, we want to help you on your journey by first realizing that we are in a war and then mapping out the war zone and combat strategy. Jesus Christ has already won the war so it's up to us to follow our leader. He can and will defeat the old nature in us as He empowers us through the new.
Week one is simply: We Are At War! To prepare for the service, study 2 Chronicles 16 and Romans 7. The life of King Asa and the struggles of the Apostle Paul will help us to understand how God is for us in EVERYTHING if we will just trust Him.
Week two: The last Christian. Could we be the last Christian generation? According to current statistics, unless something drastic happens, we just may be. What can we do to make a difference in the lives of our children and youth? Can we turn the tide?
Week three: Peer Wars. God has clear instructions about who we are to be as His people and how we're to come alongside others so that we may help them, and they us, on the journey.
Week four: STAND. Not everything is going to go your way in life. Why does bad stuff happen to good people? And when it does, what are we to do about it?
Be sure and bring someone with you or, if you're not in our area or you attend another church on the weekend, you can catch all the action on our web site at
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