WOW! Way to go God! Way to go TVCC!
The numbers are in and what a blessing to see what God will do through His people who are passionate about reaching others.
- Already Christ followers - 100's
- Began journey with Christ - Salvations - 36
- Considering Christ - 8 (One of those prayed to receive Christ during a follow up call (Yeah God!)
- Don't ever intend to follow Christ - 1
- Weekend Attendance including Children - 1076
As my good friend Allen said, "We had a great day at we need to continue what we started!" AMEN Allen! I agree completely. When God's kids get excited about His promises and begin to act upon them - look out! He WILL show up in power, just as we witnessed this weekend.
The difference between 'having church' and 'being the church' is expecting God to use us and trusting Him enough that we would open our mouths, thereby allowing Him to do so.
Let your friends and neighbors know, the series "txt: God Has A Message For You" continues this weekend with Part 2 - WIIFM: What's In It For Me? Finding Real Happiness In A World of Pleasure.
TXT: GOD HAS A MESSAGE FOR YOU Part 1-MIRL is ready online for viewing
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