Although we're not talking about finances this weekend, we all know that the domino effect really works when it comes to doing the right thing with our money. This week Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church had a great article on how to get out of debt. During these tough days we're all facing, we would do well by enacting a plan in our personal finances that will get us out of the bondage of being a slave to indebtedness. The domino effect of reducing and ridding yourself of debt will greatly impact your family, your marriage, and faithfulness to God's direction and purpose for your life.
Eight steps to getting out of debtby Rick Warren
There's no doubt personal debt has played a key role in the current financial crisis. You've got people in your church who are hurting - badly. And debt isn't just impacting our congregations; it's impacting the pulpits as well. How do we get out from under it? We've got to commit to eight steps and help our members do the same. [more]
Eight steps to getting out of debtby Rick Warren

This Weekend at TVCC - Choosing Life or Death
Last week we started our new series, The Domino Effect. We discovered that love will always involve choices. As Adam and Eve made their choice, they provided the backdrop for all of our lives and gave us a lasting portrait of the value of every decision. Join us this weekend as we discover the domino effect of our choices: Life & Blessings or Death & Curses. All of our choices have consequences, either good or bad. So...choose life!
See you this weekend,
Pastor Steve
See you this weekend,
Pastor Steve
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