Monday, March 30, 2009

Influenced by a Smiley Face

A Story of Influence

As we close this series on the Domino Effect, I want to share with you a blessing I received yesterday as Debbie, who is a nurse and member of TVCC, shared her story of the difference a smile can make...even something as simple as a smiley face.

Debbie had been treated for cancer several years ago and had undergone chemotherapy. As a result, she had experienced the loss of her hair and was totally bald. Debbie works for a doctor and is responsible to mail patients the results of their lab work. After the chemotherapy, Debbie's signature on the paperwork had a personalized drawing of a smiley face, bald but complete with eyes, ears, nose - and of course, a smile.

As with many things that take us extra time, Debbie began to wonder if the time it took to draw the smiley face really made any difference. That's when she received the call. The receptionist said, "I don't know if this lady's crying or laughing but she insists on talking to you." Debbie answered the phone and she discovered the lady on the other end was doing both. She shared with Debbie how that she was having one of the worst days of her life; down in the dumps, depressed, and a general all around rotten day - until she opened Debbie's letter and saw her contagious smiley face.

They both began to laugh and weep together as the story unfolded of the important uplift she'd received just at the right time; all because of a little - seemingly insignificant - smiley face.

Don't ever take your opportunity to influence others for granted. It really is the small, smiley faces of life that God uses to lift our spirits and our hearts, just when we need it the most.

Thanks Debbie! And keep on smiling for the glory of God!

Pastor Steve

Friday, March 27, 2009

What Influence?

So how's the week finding you? I hope it's been great and you're ready for a supercharged time of celebration this Sunday. I know Gene and the team have been getting all revved up and ready to go.

Carlton & I will teach together this weekend; not just tag team, but together. We're looking forward to teaching you how to play one of, if not the most important domino of your life - YOUR INFLUENCE. We're all influencing someone. The only question is, how? This is what God's Word tells us about our influence:

“Let your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” Matt. 5:16 (CEV)

“You are to influence them; do not let them influence you!” Jer. 15:19 (NLT)

Our problem is not that we don't have anything to use to influence others. Our problem is that many Christ followers have never taken the time to figure out what God has given them and how He wants to use it. And worse still, we're letting the world influence us! God asked this question of Moses:
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘What is that in your hand?’ ‘A staff,’ he replied. God said, ‘Throw it on the ground.’”
Ex. 4:2 (NIV)

That day, something as simple as a staff became the rod of God. The question is not, if you have a life of influence, but will you allow God to have it and make it a special instrument for Him to use to help and free others?

See you at the INFLUENCING PLACE this weekend! And of course, THE QUESTION: Who are you influencing to come with you to TVCC this Sunday? Join us to discover how to use the influence God has placed in "your hand" for His glory.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday's Monday Download

March 23, 2009

We had another great weekend at TVCC. We had two great times of celebration and praise and if you weren't with us for the teaching time, you can go to our web site where it will be posted by Wednesday. We learned what the statement means, To understand why, submit and apply. Here are some stats from the weekend:

  • Five indicated commitments toward Christ
  • Six first time guests
  • Three volunteered to serve
  • Three want to be in a Life Group
  • Many indicated they WOULD take the challenge...To understand why, submit and apply
    We had nine who joined us for Discovering How to Connect @ TVCC and also joined our family here. We're excited to see how God is going to serve others through them here at TVCC and in the community as well.
  • We introduced our Easter theme of TXT- God Has a Message for You! Be sure and pass on all the TXT announcements, twitters, emails, etc. that you receive. What a great opportunity to invite others to Easter at TVCC TXT = ETVCC

Pastor Steve


DON'T FORGET - 2009 is the Year of The Bible for TVCC. Keep reading, pressing on, and applying the Word of God to your life everyday. Keep journaling - DON'T GIVE UP! Wherever you are on the journey, keep it up. If you've not started yet, today is a great time to turn off the TV, open your Bible, and spend time with God through His Word.

YOU GOTTA READ THE DOMINO STORIES THAT ARE STILL COMING IN! The fourth round, as well as many first, second, and third round God stories are coming in and what a blessing they are. If you have yet to give your domino away along with the blessing it extends, go to our web site and share your story, get involved and share the blessing! You can follow this link to the site at:

Monday, March 16, 2009

An Easter Conversation

March 17, 2009

Easter is April 12 and I'm so excited! Why is Easter such a big deal? Is it just something that happened 2000 years ago? Was Easter only for me or should it make a difference through me?

Too many times we only think of Easter as something God did for us. While He has indeed given Christ for us as the greatest gift ever through His death, burial, and resurrection, God wants Easter to come alive through us as well. Everything Jesus did for us, He wants to do through us.

This is my challenge to you this Easter: CHANGE!

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Change the way you think - about those you know who need a life changing relationship with Christ.

Just remember this for today: Easter is for us and its effect is to be seen through us. God wants to use you to impact the lives of others. Join us here for this important conversation as we catch God's wave and build momentum toward Easter during the next five weeks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday's Monday Download

March 9, 2009

  • YOU GOTTA READ THE DOMINO STORIES THAT ARE COMING IN! The second round, as well as many first round God stories are coming in and what a blessing they are. If you have yet to give your domino away along with the blessing it extends, go to our web site and share your story, get involved and share the blessing! You can follow this link to the site at:
  • God really blessed us yesterday through everything He taught us as we worshipped, praised, and rejoiced in Him. We serve an awesome God!
  • We had 3 cards indicating first time guests
  • 2 new volunteers for the set-up & take-down team
  • A mom and her son signed up for the mission trip to the Dominican Republic in June
  • 3 signed up for the next Discovering How to Connect at TVCC (101)

Be sure to say a prayer today for the family of pastor Fred Winters of First Baptist Church, Maryville, ILL who was shot and killed as he was preaching yesterday morning. Pray for the church and their healing and for the strength to continue on. Also pray that we will all be more diligent in spreading the Gospel of Christ, the only cure for a people and a nation who stand in dyer need of a life and world changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

May God bless you and pour Himself through you this week as your life contacts others on the way, and you truly experience the domino effect for the glory of God.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Domino Effect of Choice

Although we're not talking about finances this weekend, we all know that the domino effect really works when it comes to doing the right thing with our money. This week Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church had a great article on how to get out of debt. During these tough days we're all facing, we would do well by enacting a plan in our personal finances that will get us out of the bondage of being a slave to indebtedness. The domino effect of reducing and ridding yourself of debt will greatly impact your family, your marriage, and faithfulness to God's direction and purpose for your life.

Eight steps to getting out of debtby Rick Warren

There's no doubt personal debt has played a key role in the current financial crisis. You've got people in your church who are hurting - badly. And debt isn't just impacting our congregations; it's impacting the pulpits as well. How do we get out from under it? We've got to commit to eight steps and help our members do the same. [more]

This Weekend at TVCC - Choosing Life or Death
Last week we started our new series, The Domino Effect. We discovered that love will always involve choices. As Adam and Eve made their choice, they provided the backdrop for all of our lives and gave us a lasting portrait of the value of every decision. Join us this weekend as we discover the domino effect of our choices: Life & Blessings or Death & Curses. All of our choices have consequences, either good or bad. So...choose life!

See you this weekend,

Pastor Steve

Monday, March 2, 2009

On March 1st we launched a new series called The Domino Effect. When one thing happens, regardless of whether it is good or bad, there is certain to be a Domino Effect that is to follow. This thought process began as we witnessed the mass exodus from Murray and much of Western Kentucky as they poured in to Puryear, Paris, and the Paris Landing areas to find food, water, gasoline, and other supplies they needed to get them through the storm.

As I thought about this I realized that what we were all experiencing was The Domino Effect, i.e. every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Be sure that you join us for this series as we answer questions that we all face each and every day. Each week during this series, I’ll post a different set of questions relating to the upcoming topic.

If you can't join us in person you can listen to the sermon on our website, or download the mp3. You can also print out a copy of the sermon notes so you can follow along and fill in the answers as you go. Just follow this link:
To watch this weeks sermon or to watch other sermons from our archives, follow this link: Sermons are posted by Wednesday each week.