February 19, 2009
How are you being used by God? "Oh, I'm not a pastor or missionary so God can't use me." REALLY? If that's so, I wonder what Jesus meant when he said, "In the same way that you gave Me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world." John 17:18 (Mes)
Why do you need to be on Mission with God?
- God's mission is recession proof - it always has His supply
- God's mission is fool proof - it depends on God's wisdom, not yours
- God's mission is lasting proof - of His eternal love for everyone
Too many times we give up with a case of the "poor me's" rather than getting in and fighting the good fight. Remember, when you surrender to your desires rather than keeping your life pure before God, you're asking for heaping piles of trouble. "But I'm not good enough...." Remember what my friend John at TVCC said,
"Once I realized God could use my failures, there was no limit to what He could do through my life."
All of us need to heed Paul's words to Timothy:
Timothy, you belong to God, so keep away from all these evil things. Try your best to please God and to be like him. Be faithful, loving, dependable, and gentle. Fight a good fight for the faith and claim eternal life. God offered it to you when you clearly told about your faith, while so many people listened. Now I ask you to make a promise. Make it in the presence of God, who gives life to all, and in the presence of Jesus Christ, who openly told Pontius Pilate about his faith. Promise to obey completely and fully all that you have been told until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 1 Timothy 6:11-14 (CEV)
See you at the MISSION"S MISSION place this weekend!
Pastor Steve
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