I'm not talking about people; but what God taught me this morning as I was taking a break from study. I went out into the yard to stretch my legs and noticed my Million Bells Petunia was full of dead heads. If you're an avid flower and gardening fan, you that means blooms that are dead! And until you remove them, the new flowers can't grow in place of the old ones. The plant loses it's beauty and showiness, which is why I bought it in the first place - to give me and those who see it pleasure!
So I set about the task for the next few minutes, removing the dead heads so that my plant would fill out with new showy growth. Then it happened; God hit me with one of His zingers: "That's what I have to do in your life Steve - you were purchased with the blood of my Son and you give me great pleasure. I have to remove the dead stuff that's keeping you from being all I know you can be in relationship with Me." Busted!
When God is pruning us and cleansing us each day, removing the deadness from our lives, it is for His purpose and glory. Our
"showiness" is never for ourselves but to honor God in everything we do and say. Let me revisit a portion of the teaching from yesterday and give you five purposes that each of us need in order to keep the dead heads out. You need a...
Purpose to live for
People to live with
Principles to live by
Profession to live out
Power to live on
As we live our lives according to God's plan for us, He will be the "gardener" Jesus talks about in John 15 when He said,
"I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. John 15:1 (NLT)
Pastor Steve
PS The responses were great from the weekend! Here are the numbers:
4-Committed their lives to Christ
8-First time guest
3-Second time guest
7-Signed up to become ushers
24-Signed up for daytime women's Life Group
34-Signed up for Life Groups
12-Went through CLASS 101
And the thing that really excited me...
136 names that you're not only praying that they will come to Christ by the end of 2008, but are committed to being a part of the process of introducing them to Christ as well! I can hardly wait for the harvest to start coming in! We will be praying for you and them!
Don't forget to be building on those relationships you have with others and are praying for. Why not invite someone this weekend as we talk about "Deal or No Deal" - I'm not getting a fair deal...or am I? We will be teaching about the love of God and how He treats us as a loving Father. Even when it seems we're getting a raw deal in life, if we really inspect the situation, it might not be such a bad deal after all!
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