Tuesday, May 6, 2008

TVCC-Your Generosity Was...

FANTASTIC! For the Ugandan Orphans Children's Choir

I'm always proud to be your pastor. I brag on you and how Christ is impacting your lives and the lives of multitudes around you as a result of His love being seen through you. But I've never been more proud than yesterday as your love overflowed to help hundreds, maybe thousands, and eventually hundreds of thousands to come to know Christ in a personal relationship by your generous gifts. The byproducts of your gifts such as education, health care, orphanages, and especially hope, will be eternal as well.

Eric and his wife Savannah said they had visited churches two and three times our size and not received the outpouring of support they did from TVCC.

You gave $5,167.65 as a love offering and we had 38 sponsorships. Only eternity will tell the impact your gifts have made. AND our weekly tithes & offerings plus Building For Life were great also.

New Hope Missions International

I also want to let you know that as a church we gave a $1,000 love offering to Project: Hope to help buy food for the missions work we are helping to sponsor in Haiti with New Hope Missions International. Pastor Renaund, the national who is over the four churches and schools, said that the death rate from starvation there is worse than he has ever seen in his lifetime. Brent Baird, who is director of NHMI, has landed in Haiti today along with Mark Elliot, pastor of Hope Christian Church in Murfreesboro, TN and President of the Board of Directors of NHMI, to purchase food and work out the distribution to the schools this week. Be in special prayer for success and God's favor on them as they minister there during this time of crisis and starvation. Some $10,000 has been received in the Project: Hope fund to date. 100% of the monies go to purchase rice and hopefully beans.

Thanks TVCC! You're the greatest!


Anonymous said...

Thanks TVCC for having the Ugandan Orphans Childrens Choir. I really enjoyed seeing and hearing them share their "ministry" through song and dance. It is always uplifting and enlightening to see those from other countries and cultures share their love for the Lord! Oh, that we would all be as unashamedly open and "go into all the world" as these children are doing! Thank God for them and their great example and enthusiasm.

Pastor Steve said...

AMEN AND AMEN! We sometimes forget the mission and mandate of the Gospel. It's good to be reminded from time-to-time with a gentle 'nudge' (okay, maybe more like a 2X4) from the Holy Spirit. Glad you guys were there and hope to see you again real soon!