A chain is no stronger than it's weakest link. Today I spoke with a friend of TVCC whose family has moved recently and they visited a new church yesterday that was nearer their new home. What I found out from her was so valuable and worth (well worth!) passing on. Folks - YOU MATTER and WHAT YOU DO matters as well.
Here's what her experience taught me about how we can get so involved in 'having church' that we forget why we're 'having church'. Here were a few of the Weakest Links I discovered from her story.
The pastor said, "We're a friendly church" Yet no one spoke to them except during the 'turn-and-shake-a-hand' time.
"Fill out a guest card" Yet there wasn't one within 3-4 pews of them.
"Where's the restroom?" The lady she asked didn't know & the one the question was referred to gave vague, non-specific directions in a 'hope you find it' type reply.
Why's all this so important? That church could be us if we don't always act as if people matter to God; and they do! And since they matter to God they must matter to us. Remember what Jesus said, "When you did it unto the least of these...you did it unto me." So the next time you have a chance to make a good impression for God's Kingdom remember two things:
Others are watching, waiting, searching to know if we really care.
So is God!
TVCC - let's never ever become a weak link in God's Kingdom!
Unfortunately, this story is not isolated to the one church that the lady attended (wherever it was). As Disciples, we need to be keenly aware that "The World" is watching us, but we should behave out of love for Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. When others interact with us, they should be interacting with Jesus. HE would have told her exactly where the restroom was!
Good job Monte! I wholeheartedly agree. As Paul said, "Let this mind (mind of Christ) be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."
Thanks for your comment.
This reminds me of one of my favorite songs: 21st time. We are all brothers and sisters of/in Christ and should treat eachother as if... Unfortunantly in some cases today, blood brothers and sisters do not treat eachother with love...BUT wouldn't it be GREAT if we did! Sometimes it only takes a SMILE to a stranger to welcome them in.
God Bless
This is a hard, yet common issue! We all have days (even Sundays at church) when we don't feel "up to snuff" and would rather "be left alone;" however, as my father used to say to me, "it never hurts to smile and speak to someone" and I've learned that this little action can mean so much to the person receiving it, as well as to me (the one giving it.) If we can try to think of that person we come face to face with as someone who might really need that interaction at that very moment - that it could literally CHANGE THEIR LIFE, then we can "buck up" and give it our best! If God were standing beside that person, wouldn't we knock ourselves out trying to get to them, speak to them, hug them and more? Well God IS with that person as well as with us each and every day and He would do - did do, the same for us, and then so much more! How can we not at least make the effort for Him and His children? Thank you God for forgiving us when we fail You and for allowing us another chance to try again!
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