religious leaders were doing all they could to bring charges against
Jesus. In another feeble attempt to
Cross Him up, they decided to trap Him with the old “what’s the most important
commandment” trick. (See Matthew22:34-40) Loving God! Yes!
Any religious person would agree but Jesus didn't stop there. He gave them a second Greatest Commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself!
Here’s the lesson: We
cannot say we love God as we ought without loving the things of God and the
people Christ died for as we ought.
According to Christ, there cannot be a distinction between the two. Loving God and loving others = Salvation
through Christ. Anything else is just
half-gospel which, according to the Scripture, is no Gospel at all! (1 John 4:20-21)
Showing your love for God and others can be a simple gesture
of good will. This love, however, is the New Testament, agape love; a God-like, sacrificial love. Therefore to love your neighbor, ultimately means that you would not want them to
miss the glory of heaven and eternal life now, any more than you would want to
miss it yourself.
Who will you love enough to share the Good News of Christ with and invite them to worship with you this Easter?