Why do I ask this
question? Because too many hearts have become rich gardens for the
fruit of sin rather than pathways of righteousness. Some of you will
quit reading at this point because you're thinking, "Bless his heart...here he goes again." And that is certainly your right.
question is this: Is God real? Really, really, real? Or has He
become a convenient figment of our imagination that soothes our souls in
times of turmoil but has no place in our day-to-day living?
burdened because our actions betray our theology. Our daydreams are
deplorable and our decisions are damnable. We argue the true authority
of Scripture by trying to decide what is possible based upon what is
popular. We've allowed culture to define Christianity rather than the
Word of God defining both culture as well as true Christianity. Then we
go so far as to debate one another concerning how close we can get to
the edge (guardrail) without going over. How close can I get to sin without it being sin?
Case in point: Today, there was an article describing the number one issue on the docket at a major denomination's upcoming conference:
Homosexuality and whether or not they will now ordain homosexual
ministers and endorse gay marriage. Yet the conference theme is Make Disciples of Jesus Christ to Transform the World.
How can we do that if we refuse the Word of God as the authority of God
in our personal or denominational or whatever life we live?
need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are seeking to
go forward with the mandate of Jesus: Make disciples. We need to pray
that those who would seek to derail the mandate with the man-date
(sorry), would repent and truly believe the Word as the only authority
anyone who names the name of Christ has as rule and guide. Just because
we love everyone and desire to see all people come to know Christ, that
does not superintend the Authority of Scripture.