Friday, January 14, 2011

2020 Vision Tools: Physical Health

Saturday, January 15 at 10:30 a.m. CST we will join our sister church, Saddleback Valley Community Church and Pastor Rick Warren as we benefit from a resource they are making available to the online community. I've included the link here and on TVCC's Facebook Page. This is a part of our ongoing commitment to you, our church family, to supply tools as a part of our 2020 Vision for a healthier you, both spiritually, physically, and financially.

Also remember, we start our new teaching series this weekend, IGNITE! One Life Can Change the World. Part 1 is My Story Can Change the World. Don't miss it!!! Your story matters. Come find out why and learn how to share it.

In case you missed the earlier 2020 Vision email, I've included it here:

2020 Vision

... is a comprehensive personal growth plan to make the next 10 years the best years of your life.

... will equip you to succeed in 7 key areas: spiritual, physical, financial, relational, vocational, emotional, and mental.

... is based on God's promises to you if you follow his instructions in faith.

Here is my prayer for you for 2011:

* I'm praying you'll be HEALTHIER, more FOCUSED, and more LIKE JESUS in 2011.
"My dear friend, I pray that everything will go well with you and you will be in as good health physically as your soul is spiritually health." 3 John 1:2

* I'm praying your FAITH will be stretched and grow through your Christmas Offering and commitment to give in 2011, so you can watch God perform a miracle in your life.
"What is impossible from a human perspective is possible with God." Luke 18:27
"According to your faith will it be done to you." Matt.9:29

* I'm praying your three friends (your prayer commitment cards) will be in heaven one day because you invited them to a service and told them about Jesus.
"I'm praying not only for these followers but also for those who will believe because of their testimony." John 17:20

Pastor Steve