"I've tried before (to read the Bible through) and I just couldn't get through it!" If you've said this (I have) then I want to encourage you: TRY AGAIN! Why? Because there's no replacement for reading God's Word; the key is the plan.
Be sure and get a modern translation of the Bible to read. The New Living Translation (NLT) is a good, readable, modern day Bible we use at TVCC.
Do four things and see what a difference it makes:
1. PRAY and ask God to meet with you as you read and help you to understand.
2. DO the reading plan from our Life Journals (You can pick them up at Mineral Wells Monday-Friday or Connection Point on Sunday $7 ea.) . It only takes a few minutes a day to read the three or so chapters and it's Old & New Testament each day with some Psalms and Proverbs interspersed.
3. PICK out ONE verse that speaks to you and write it in your journal, think about it then write what you believe it meant to the people it was written to. Next write what it means to you and if there's a way it can apply to your life now, and then write a simple, one sentence prayer to God, thanking Him and asking for His power to live out what the verse spoke to your life.
4. DON'T STOP! Even if you miss a day (I'm one day behind now!) it doesn't matter; just keep at it! There is no substitute for a love relationship with God and there's no way to have it without Christ as your Lord and the Bible, God's Word as your guide.
Each day, you will encounter God as you read. When you sense God speaking through the Bible, that is the ENCOUNTER with GOD! When you hear Him speaking to you, be willing to ADJUST your life to what He has just shown you, OBEY Him, and then as Henry Blackaby says, "You will EXPERIENCE God." If I can help you with this in any way or if you have questions, please email me at pastorsteve@tvcc.us and I'll get right back with you. This is just too valuable for you to miss!
Construction began Friday on our new campus at 2500 E. Wood Street! Be praying for low cost, high efficiency, and for the project to be completed as quickly as possible. Especially pray that God will be preparing our hearts and minds so that WE will ALL recognize the full scope of the mission He has for TVCC as we reach out to our community and world with the Good News that Jesus Christ has a super trade-in program, regardless of the economy:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Matthew 11:28 (MSG)
Movin' On With Christ!
Pastor Steve