I regularly receive updates from Dr. K.P. Yohannan, President of GFA (Gospel for Asia). I received an email this evening telling of unprecedented violence against Christians there. You can read a portion of the story here then follow the link in the title bar for a video of Dr. Yohannan and the rest of the story.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Orissa, India and that God would intervien in this sitiuation.

Orissa Update:-->
Christians Flee to Forests as Mob Violence Escalates in Indian State
Mob violence in India's Orissa state continues to escalate, and reports coming from Gospel for Asia leaders in Orissa say that as many as 20 GFA-related churches were destroyed and hundreds of Christian families have been burned out of their homes. At least a dozen members of GFA-related churches have been murdered, but no one knows the overall death toll.
"The Christians in Orissa have fled for their lives into the forests," GFA President K.P. Yohannan said, "and some have been in hiding for three days without food or water.
"Several of our pastors are in the forest along with their church people, and one said that he could have escaped, but would rather die with his people than leave them."
Dr. Yohannan called the situation "unprecedented in his 30 years of ministry in South Asia."
"I have never seen persecution so bad in my life," Dr. Yohannan said, "and I have seen a lot of opposition to the Gospel over the years."
For more on the story and a video message by Dr. Yohannan, please follow the link on the title bar.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Orissa, India and that God would intervien in this sitiuation.

Orissa Update:-->
Christians Flee to Forests as Mob Violence Escalates in Indian State
Mob violence in India's Orissa state continues to escalate, and reports coming from Gospel for Asia leaders in Orissa say that as many as 20 GFA-related churches were destroyed and hundreds of Christian families have been burned out of their homes. At least a dozen members of GFA-related churches have been murdered, but no one knows the overall death toll.
"The Christians in Orissa have fled for their lives into the forests," GFA President K.P. Yohannan said, "and some have been in hiding for three days without food or water.
"Several of our pastors are in the forest along with their church people, and one said that he could have escaped, but would rather die with his people than leave them."
Dr. Yohannan called the situation "unprecedented in his 30 years of ministry in South Asia."
"I have never seen persecution so bad in my life," Dr. Yohannan said, "and I have seen a lot of opposition to the Gospel over the years."
For more on the story and a video message by Dr. Yohannan, please follow the link on the title bar.